If you do plan on picking it up digitally, it's already available for pre-order on the PlayStation Store. Killzone: Shadow Fall remains on target for the PS4 launch. "But I think all things considered, this being launch and we've got like 2 minutes 44 from disc to the first level and no installs, I think it's already a massive improvement over previous generations," he added. I think next time around we'll try to see if we can design something that doesn't jeopardize the game which will make it even friendlier." "I think if we would have known exactly how everything would work. At an event at Guerrillas Amsterdam offices this week, the developer confirmed that the final version of PlayStation 4 launch title Killzone Shadow Fall clocks in at 39.7GB (in.

"The initial chunk of 7.5GB is quite big," he said. Technical director Michiel van der Leeuw acknowledges this is far from ideal, but expects the process to improve over the generation as developers keep the feature in mind. The initial 7.5GB will be enough to play the first level, while the second level continues downloading in the background. Guerrilla Games confirmed the figure to Eurogamer, who saw the game at a recent event in Amsterdam. For example, Shadow Fall will still require a 7.5GB initial download before it can be played when purchased digitally. In reality, PlayGo won't be as immediate as many had imagined. Through a feature Sony is now calling "PlayGo," you'll be able to select which part of the game you'd like to download first- single or multiplayer-and then play the game as it downloads. With games like Killzone: Shadow Fall clocking in at nearly 40GB in size, it wouldn't be practical to sit and wait for such a huge download to finish before playing. One of the new features Sony promised when unveiling PlayStation 4 was the ability to play games as they download from the PlayStation Store.